Springs of Healing exists to help wounded, tormented, and spiritually oppressed individuals find freedom, hope, and restoration through the power of Jesus Christ. This ministry will combine inner-healing and spiritual warfare prayer that allows people to walk in long-term freedom in Christ through the application of God’s Word and authority. 


August 7 at 6:30 pm | room 113


Monday, July 8

Monday, September 9


How to do you offer authentic hope and deep levels of healing in Christ? How do you help people find freedom from the lies that fill their minds? How do you lead people to break free from their past and walk into the freedom they have as a believer in Jesus? How do you discern if what is happening around you is spiritual or other causes?

In 2024, we invite you to join us for one of these unique online training opportunities designed to prepare you to be able to minister deep levels of healing and freedom in Christ right where you’ve been planted. Our practical and sound training will equip you to answer the questions above and so many others.

Join in on one of these trainings individually or even better yet, invite four or five others from your church to learn alongside of you as a team. By the end of the class, you will gain valuable tools in freedom ministry and be empowered to start offering prayer-based freedom sessions to the broken world around you.