The need for intercultural ministry is more important than ever as our neighborhoods in Kentwood and our world become increasingly diverse and globalized. Cultures are no longer isolated entities. At KCC, our commitment is to develop a practice of listening, learning, and understanding, fostering a sense of unity in diversity through intercultural conversation, worship services, and mission. This will help build deeper relationships and create a Kingdom-focused culture that embraces biblical truth about God.

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, 

people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. ...” - Revelation 7:9


4th Sundays, bi-monthly

Are you an international attender at KCC or in our neighborhood? International attenders gather every two months for conversations, sharing stories, welcoming new internationals, and engaging with other KCC members from all nations. We come together to celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone deserves praise from every tribe, tongue, people, and language. It’s also the best venue to connect with our pastor and receive information about the various ministries within KCC. We fellowship in different languages and enjoy a potluck lunch featuring dishes from the nations represented.


Our goal is to educate and broaden people’s understanding of the challenges faced by people of color, minority groups, and different cultures, both historically and currently, in American society and abroad. We aim to help bridge cultural divisions and overcome ignorance that hinder us from fulfilling the Great Commission—making disciples of all nations—and the Great Commandment of loving our neighbor.  


We are making Him known in diverse cultural settings where people may not look, live, think, or believe just like us. This involves more than just action; it includes listening, learning, and building long-term, intentional relationships through our community groups and various ministries, such as the Friendship Center, Streams, and others.  


We believe that a Multi-Cultural Community Group is a place where real, meaningful connections are made. We invite you to join us in recognizing and celebrating our differences, living with them, and sharing life, experiences, and spaces together. In our community, we don’t aim to eliminate or homogenize differences; instead, we embrace them, creating a richer, more diverse, and inclusive church family. As you become part of this group, you’ll experience different racial cultures, which will deepen your cultural awareness and help bridge gaps that might otherwise divide us. We’d love for you to be a part of this journey with us.  

Our commitment is to develop a cross-cultural conversation, to foster deeper relationships that will create a Kingdom-focused third culture that embraces biblical ways of viewing God culturally and contextually.


In building and fostering deeper relationships, we encourage people to join a mosaic community group that involves 6-12 people from different racial cultures. These groups create a nurturing and mutually engaging experience that increases cultural awareness, bridges cultural gaps and promotes spiritual growth. Groups can meet in person, online or in a hybrid format. 


Many churches and Christians generally support multiethnic ministry in theory or in principle, but struggle to

...understand why it is so challenging to actually build authentic and lasting relationships. KCC wants to educate and broaden people's understanding of challenges faced by people of color historically and currently in American society and abroad. We also seek to bridge cultural divisions that prevent us from achieving the Great Commission as a community of faith.


A series of celebratory events where the contributions of different people groups and cultures in society are recognized and honored. These events emphasize the positive influence of different ethnic groups in the areas of worship, music, art, language and cuisine. In our special annual celebration event, we focus on our volunteers to show appreciation for their efforts and highlight multiethnic ministry successes throughout the year.